Highland Pony breed count for 2020

Highland Pony breed count for 2020


2020 count

All ages are what ponies will be as of the 01/08/2020.

After careful consideration, and to make these counts more accurate, this year I have changed the age group for what is consider breeding age for mares. This age group will now be used throughout all future breed counts.

In these census, A breeding aged mare is considered 3-20 years of age as of the 01/08/2020.

Although there are some mares breeding past the age of 20, there are a large number in between the 3-20 years that are not breeding at all, for various reasons.


No breed up or HPS appendix influence, all ponies 100% traceable to imported purebred Highland Ponies

103 mares. 15 over 20 years. 7 fillies two years and under.

= 81 breeding aged mares

24 Stallions. 2 retired.

= 22 breeding stallions

5 colts, two years and under with the potential of being grown out with the intentions of keeping entire.

94 geldings.


From the Ballinton Islay Sky bloodline

This line of ponies started of registered under the Highland Pony Society of the UK’s appendix program. Ballinton Islay Sky was an appendix A mare with two of her foals being appendix B when imported to Australia. These ponies, once reaching the required levels, would have been eligible for purebred registration in the UK.

These ponies have been placed under the Australian Highland Pony Breed Up Program.

Having reached purebred status and upgraded, as well as their descendants;

1 colt, 5 mares and 1 gelding

as well as 3 mares at FS2 and 11 geldings at AHL inside the breed up program.

TOTAL = 7 purebreds & 14 inside the breed up program.

From the Australia Highland Pony Breed Up Program

The Australian breed up program consists of 5 levels.

Mares from pony like mares of a certain height by Highland Pony stallions enter at the appendix level.

Those mares are then breed back to purebred Highland Pony stallions and the resulting fillies progress up the levels, the levels being FS, FS1, FS2 and then purebred, where a mare is then eligible to apply for purebred upgrading into the Highland Pony studbook within the APSB.

All male offspring inside the breed up program must be gelded and are registered as Australian Highland Ponies.

Once a mare has gained purebred registration the gelding rule does not apply.

Having reached purebred status and upgraded, as well as their descendants;

2 stallions, 18 mares with 3, with 2 years and under and 4 geldings

And those still at various levels within the program;

2 Appendix mares

3 FS mares, with 1 over 20 years and 1, 2 and under.

5 FS1 mares

3 FS2 mares with 1 over 20 years

18 geldings.

TOTAL = 24 purebreds & 31 inside the breed up program.

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