The cover image features our stallion Tarabrae Mallee
The Dun Dilution.
The dun dilution gene is a dominate gene and cannot be hidden on any coat colour, by lightening base body coat while leaving the legs, mane and tail darker. The gene is also associated with primitive markings and the dorsal strip down the middle of a ponies back is the most recognisable marking associated with being a dun. A pony can also show ear tipping, zebra striping to the legs, shoulder striping, guard hairs in the mane, tail and legs (guard hairs are a layer of pale outer hairs that sometimes can be very noticeable on certain dun ponies) and face masks.
Below you can find examples of the colours effected by dun dilution gene –
Mouse dun, Yellow dun, Fox dun, Silver Mouse dun, Silver Yellow dun, Grey dun and Cream dun.

It has been a couple of weeks in the making and I could not have accomplished these without the help of other Highland Pony breeders,
which whom I cannot thank enough for supplying me with photo examples of the different colours within the breed.